Easily locate areas that qualify as TEA by simply enter an address or click on a point in the map.
Providing important demographic and economic data about each area, including unemployment rates, population statistics, and economic indicators.
Providing a qualified TEA Qualification Report, which is a crucial piece of evidence when submitting the I-526 petition (Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor) to USCIS.
Tract Number
Project MSA
ACS methodology is based on the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year data by census tract. The unemployment rate threshold is 150% of the national unemployment rate published by the U.S. Census Share.
Data source:
ACS 2021 5-year (2017-2021) Estimates from the U.S. Census Share
Census Share methodology is based on both the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics-Local Area Unemployment Statistics (BLS-LAUS) data sets. The Census share method adjusts the ACS census tract employment figure by the ratio of the BLS-LAUS county-level numbers relative to ACS county-level numbers.
Data Source:
ACS 2021 5-year (2017-2021) Estimates from the U.S. Census Share
LAUS 2022 1-year data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Rural Area Methodology considers the MSA delineation and the population.
Data Source:
2022 MSA delineation (OMB Bulletin No. 23-01.)
2020 Decennial Census Population Data from the U.S. Census Share
Project Tract
Selected Adjacent Tract(s)
Other Adjacent Tract(s)
Tract Number
Labor Force
Unemployment Rate
Project Tract
Selected Adjacent Tract(s)
Weighted Average Statistics
ACS Unemployment Rate Threshold
Project Tract
Selected Adjacent Tract(s)
Other Adjacent Tract(s)
Tract Number
Labor Force
Unemployment Rate
Project Tract
Selected Adjacent Tract(s)
Weighted Average Statistics
Census Share Unemployment Rate Threshold
Project Tract
An area not within a metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
An area not within the outer boundary of any city or town with a population of 20,000 or more
Last Map Updated: September 30, 2023
The letter for TEA designation, mandated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), is auto-generated for this project.
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Disclaimer: Not Legal Counsel. The information provided on this map is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Always consult with an attorney regarding your specific legal concerns.